Da Feng Ge, also known as Da Han Shengshi and Wind Song, is a Chinese television series based on historical events in the early Han Dynasty, beginning with the founding of the dynasty by Emperor Gaozu after his triumph over Xiang Yu, and the events leading to the reign of Emperor Wen. Directed by Huang Jianzhong, the series starred Ray Lui, Wang Ji, Liu Mu, Zhang Guangbei, Chen Wei and Li Qingxiang in the leading roles. It was first broadcast on CCTV-8 in China on 17 December 2011.



Da Feng Ge, also known as Da Han Shengshi and Wind Song, is a Chinese television series based on historical events in the early Han Dynasty, beginning with the founding of the dynasty by Emperor Gaozu after his triumph over Xiang Yu, and the events leading to the reign of Emperor Wen. Directed by Huang Jianzhong, the series starred Ray Lui, Wang Ji, Liu Mu, Zhang Guangbei, Chen Wei and Li Qingxiang in the leading roles. It was first broadcast on CCTV-8 in China on 17 December 2011.
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