Henshin Ninja Arashi

Henshin Ninja Arashi

Set in the Edo Period of Japan, the series follows a young ninja named Hayate, who is the son of a man who developed a special technique called the "Transformation Jutsu" capable of granting a superhuman form. However, their Ninja clan, the warmongering Blood Wheel Clan, begins using the Transformation Jutsu to spread fear and terror all throughout Japan as part of their campaign to conquer it, going against the peaceful intentions Hayate's father had when creating it. After the Blood Wheel Clan slaughter a village, Hayate is able to convince his initially reluctant father to perform the transformation procedure on him, enabling him to become a birdman ninja known as "Arashi" to defend people from the Blood Wheel Clan. Hayate's father is later murdered by the Blood Wheel Clan when they discover his betrayal, but Hayate himself escapes and teams up with the Iga Clan to fight and keep the Blood Wheel Clan from taking over Japan.

Henshin Ninja Arashi


Set in the Edo Period of Japan, the series follows a young ninja named Hayate, who is the son of a man who developed a special technique called the "Transformation Jutsu" capable of granting a superhuman form. However, their Ninja clan, the warmongering Blood Wheel Clan, begins using the Transformation Jutsu to spread fear and terror all throughout Japan as part of their campaign to conquer it, going against the peaceful intentions Hayate's father had when creating it. After the Blood Wheel Clan slaughter a village, Hayate is able to convince his initially reluctant father to perform the transformation procedure on him, enabling him to become a birdman ninja known as "Arashi" to defend people from the Blood Wheel Clan. Hayate's father is later murdered by the Blood Wheel Clan when they discover his betrayal, but Hayate himself escapes and teams up with the Iga Clan to fight and keep the Blood Wheel Clan from taking over Japan.
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