Liebe macht sexy

Liebe macht sexy

1h 30min

Fashion entrepreneur Verena has the company well under control. Only her husband Christian is busy elsewhere: He has been having an affair with lawyer Claudia for a long time. When Verena catches them both, she files for divorce. But because she is only awarded the loss-making part of the company, she has to come up with some ideas. On her way to investor Estelle da Silva, Verena meets the hot Leon. He has great tips - and a secret.

Liebe macht sexy


Fashion entrepreneur Verena has the company well under control. Only her husband Christian is busy elsewhere: He has been having an affair with lawyer Claudia for a long time. When Verena catches them both, she files for divorce. But because she is only awarded the loss-making part of the company, she has to come up with some ideas. On her way to investor Estelle da Silva, Verena meets the hot Leon. He has great tips - and a secret.
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